Screen Space Lighting

Evaluate Hit Lighting

This checkbox allows HTrace to evaluate lighting at the hit points of screen-space rays instead of relying solely on the previous Color Buffer. This option will affect only those hits that have valid GBuffer data (e.g., Lit shader). In cases where a pixel with absent GBuffer data (e.g., Fabric shader) is hit, it will fall back to the previous frame. Note that this does not affect world space rays.

This option must be used when the Diffuse Lighting Multiplier is set to a high value in the Indirect Lighting Controller override.

This option is generally useful when the Color Buffer contains unwanted information. An example is certain post-processing effects or direct lighting contribution of punctual light sources (that are not supported by world space rays yet and therefore may create a mismatch).

Directional Occlusion

This checkbox enables directional screen space occlusion. It is an enhanced version of ambient occlusion that provides small-scale, per-pixel indirect shadows. It is also used as a guidance factor for the upscaling algorithm, helping to preserve small-scale details.

This feature is in an experimental state and is more suited for scenes with a lot of complex geometry where high-fidelity indirect lighting is required.

Last updated